It seems like it's going to be a very good year. Eretz has begun high school, with a bang. Yibaneh started a hesder yeshiva program. While it's unclear where his year is going to lead to, it's also got some big signs of big things.

We rebuilt a chunk of our house, as it caved in. A wild time, and lots of good came out of it.The construction crew was mixed. Some neighbors, but most of the reas tough stuff was done by these characters.

When we were done, we had lots of wood and roof tiles left from pre-disaster, and Yacdav took that and built a shed to store succa, bicycles, and whatever else we think of to pop in there.

Local habit has been to want to read the same book that your sibling is reading. Often happens with Harry Potter, but with a number of other books as well. The solution found has been to read at the same time. Sometims that is accomplished by reading the same page, sometimes on radically different pages. Here you see two in the succa, doing their thing. We take it as a good sign that they're getting along so well that they can live that close to each other and cooperate.

Different people have different understandings of what is important in life. Clearly, in our house, purple is one of the important things.On the other hand, there are other principles that we organize around. Here, for example, you see the women in our lives. They frequently band together and have plotting sessions, wherein they conclude, devise, and otherwise improvise means of coping with the many men in the household.

Jews are constantly being accused of attempting to control the world, so I thought, a la Lenny Bruce, to admit it once, and even give you a bird's eye look of how that process happens. A group of plotters and world conquerers hard at work. If you need lessons in world conquering, contact these characteres.

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