The year is 2001, or 5761, depending on how you count it. Here's what we look like.

While we are high up in the mountains (800 meters above sea level), snow is somewhat unusual around here. So when it happens, everything shuts down, and the kids (of all ages) have a great time.

Here's Eretz making sure it's snow,

And here's Laivav, who had a pretty good cold, trying to figure out WHAT it is.

We do have some entries in the angel department.


what they look like when they're sleeping, with what a tired boy can look like:

Now the older guys fall into other departments. Hard to think of giving your son the car keys and him being an angel at the same time.
They do have some interesting tricks of their own. Theie's hair, for instance:

<--Before .... After-->

We've Got BedBugs

Eretz is a doozer. Sometimes she's sideways, resting in the car

and sometimes she's hard at work

Speaking of work, we heat with wood. So, we've got some woodcutters. If you ever wanted to know how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, just ask them.
Paul Bunyan imitation.
Very convincing
You have to move your axe pretty fast to bend it that way.
This is NOT a retouched photo!
Coming in for a landing
I think there's a fish on my line.

Time for some Sweetness & Light, in a Grandma sweater


Now this one interestingly has passed the age of 'little kid' , but is STILL the personification of, you guessed it, Sweetness & Light.
One of our greatest sources of satisfaction in life is how much our children like being with each other.

We know everything is going to be all right.
We know it, because this guy tells us

that he loves us SOOOO much.