Where the Gilbars are Today
The Team Takes to the Field
With a six-ring circus, things change pretty fast around here. Except for updating these pages, of course. So here's some of the most recent things that have been going by. Sorry you weren't here to join in.

We just had a baby. Her name is Laivav Shabat, and you can hear all about why by asking, Why?

But before the why, was the what. Part of the what is a sister, Eretz, who has been waiting for another girl in her life for the longest time. And so she, and now we, looks like this:

Some of us are pretty happy about it, and about where life is, like going off to a wonderful high school (of our choice). So saith the Yibaneh: Hello. How are you doing?
If we were to nickname him, it might be "Bureau of Standards." His siblings come to him for the lowdown, advice, and in general the Final Word.

Have a taste? This was Yacdav's entry in a local cake contest. He took home a prize, no less. And sticky fingers.

What can I say? How can I stop grinning? I've got a SISTER!

I'm only happy when I'm happy.
Right now, I'm happy.

So much going on! Not to worry. I rest when I need to, and try to keep things in perspective, which isn't necessarily easy, since I'm only 6.

The Wild Man of Borneo has nothing on me. AND, I'm going to get a haircut on my 3rd birthday, only 2 weeks away.

First the baby was inside, and I carried her around.
Now the baby's outside, and I carry her around.
Worth every tired minute.

Don't tell her, but I wanted another girl even more than Eretz did.

You choose life, you find a wife, and next thing you know, seven incrredible children floating around your head.
Should I say I'm lucky?

Thank God yes.

You can say to any of the characters found herein.
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