The Exceptional Child Page Meet our children.

We have some unusual children. Lots of credit to our environment (Shilo/ Israel), and the inestimable third partner in creating any new soul, the Master of the Universe.

We've taught some parenting seminars, and believe that in this troubled generation, the only way to come out ahead is to love your children endlessly, and give them good solid rules and limits. We're writing a book on childraising, which is 100 pages long and quite stuck. Anyone want to read it? (Send me a note).

For a glimpse of what was going on in our minds, as each one came into the world, we bring the explanation we gave after their births, of their Hebrew names, and the translations we've come up with. OK, we admit it, in English it sounds pretty Native American, but what can you do, sitting on hilltops in the Middle East?

Yibaneh Mcol
The Dance will Arise
Yacdav Nesher
Together Eagle
Eretz Be'erit
Land of Wells
Tohar Tzel
Pure Shade
Shalev Maor
Tranquil Orb
Kleel Lavi
Crown of the Lion
Laivav Shabat
Heart of the Sabbath (and Queen of the 47th chromosome)

Three Generations, hanging out in Jerusalem

Sorry that one is still missing. Hope to find copies of what was said at his birth.
The last one is of special interest for anyone interested in what Down syndrome looks like in a family like ours.

You can write and say to any of the characters found herein.

A Gilbariming we will go...