You can find Shilo easily by following the directions contained in the Book of Judges (21:19). North of Bet El, east of the road heading from Bet El to Schem, and south of Levona. It was at Shilo that the Tabernacle existed for 369 years; where Hana cried out her famous prayer for a child; where Samuel the Prophet heard the word of God; where the smell of incense hung in the air even in the days of the Second Temple. According to the Talmud, the smell of the incense ,which represents hesed (acts of kindness), remained in the air in Shilo long after it had vanished from Jerusalem, even though chronologically the burning of incense ended in Shilo far earlier than Jerusalem. Most Shilo residents will tell you that it's so. The Tel is the place in Shilo where people go for special events. Whether it's bar and bat mitzvas, a play put on by each year's graduating eigth grade girls class, or weekly classes under the famous fig tree, this ancient spiritual center had retained its power as the focus of modern day Shilo. The Tel was recently opened as an official tour site. |
For more information about Shilo, you can contact , or anyone on the People page, or come visit, or write us at: | Klita Shilo D.N. Efraim Shilo 44830 ISRAEL |